Unlock any potential risks associated with METABET LIMITED based on in-depth analysis of year on year financial performance, Companies House records, CCJs and official gazette data.
Includes free credit report updates, email alerts and Companies House documents.
What's included in the report?
Credit Score
Ranked from 1 to 100, the score indicates the likelihood that METABET LIMITED will become insolvent within the year. We continuously monitor for risk related events and update you whenever there's a change.
Credit Limit
The recommended credit limit ensures credit terms can be agreed with confidence. Calculated by analysing annual financial records and live events, the credit limit is adjusted whenever the company's ability to pay comes into question.
County Court Judgements
Review the dates and values of any paid or unpaid CCJs registered against METABET LIMITED within the last 6 years. Judgements refer to a debt settled via court and have a substantial impact on the company's credit rating.
Mortgages & Charges
See the combined value of all satisfied and outstanding loans recorded at Companies House. You can easily analyse further by type, date, status and who the debt is owed to as these reports are provided as interactive tables.
Director & Secretary Timeline
Understand the people behind the business. Visualising current and historic appointments, the timeline gives a quick overview, while the full breakdown includes the role of individuals within the company, how long they've been involved in the business and appointments at other companies.
Group Structure
Is METABET LIMITED a subsidiary of a larger holding company? Understand where this company sits within the group structure. Includes name and address of the ultimate holding company (parent) and all subsidiaries.
Event History
A timeline of key events going back to incorporation. The event history pinpoints newsworthy updates including change of name, director appointments and Companies House document filings.
Unlock any potential risks associated with METABET LIMITED based on in-depth analysis of year on year financial performance, Companies House records, CCJs and official gazette data.
Includes free credit report updates, email alerts and Companies House documents.
Here's what our customers think of us...
Company Check helps me find out more about potential customers. Often I start from a website and some simple market information about a client, but I need to know more before marketing our candidates read more...
I really appreciate the periodic company update emails letting me know if credit ratings have changed for a given company. This is particularly helpful for the loans I have made on peer to peer lending read more...
Stephen Lee
Simple and user-friendly, with good depth of information. Performance of competitors enables us to keep an eye on our narrow competitive market. Performance of new suppliers, business prospects and clients read more...
Stewart Smith
Managing Director