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UK Flag 101 Floor 1 2 Television Centre, Wood Lane, London, London, W12 7FR


Includes Risk Score, Credit Limit, CCJs, Mortgages & Charges, Director & Secretary Timeline, Shareholders, Ownership & Group Stucture. Plus UNLIMITED updates and FREE documents!


Private limited with Share Capital

Financial Statements too old

07 July 1928

73110 Advertising agencies - Advertising agencies

Available to 22 Sep 2023. Next accounts due by 31 Dec 2024

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Current Directors & Secretaries

For a full in-depth analysis on each of these directors, click any of the links below

Name Role Date Of Birth Appointed
Ms Sarah Jane Jenkins Director
Ms Demet Ikiler Director
Mr James Joseph Carrigan Director
Ms Philippa Muwanga Company Secretary
Ms Ruth Bayley Company Secretary

Previous Directors & Secretaries

James Anthony Denton-Clark
Christopher Kay
Annette King
Nicola Raj
Justin Kenneth Billingsley
Sophie Marie Cassandre Martin-Chantepie
Alex Bekkerman
Robert William Senior
Joanne Munis
Sarah Anne Bailey
Alan Harker
Magnus Djaba Djaba
Raj Basran
Gillian Walls Eckley
Robert Davis
Michael Rebelo
Susanna Ewing
Minna Katariina Gonzalez-Gomez
Johann Xavier
Alison Wyllie
Elizabeth Louise Kiernan Earl
Lee Daley
Alec Graham
Kevin John Dundas
Ian Lloyd
James Hall
Philippe Lentschener
Catherine Elizabeth Strathmore Kurtz
Robert Drummond Watson
Sally Sharon Bird Spensley
Wendy Smyth
David Ian Cameron Weatherseed
Fiona Maria Evans
Fiona Maria Evans
Annamaria Jans
Peter Graham Howell
Jennifer Charlina Ellsworth Laing
Peter Graham Howell
Cliff Francis
Adam Crozier
Alec Graham
Philip Purdon
Tamara Ingram
Nicholas Richard Hurrell
Trevor Kirkpatrick
Annamaria Jans
Derek William Bowden
Munir Samji
Paul Hammersley
Munir Samji
Alexandra Patricia McKie
Paul Elliot Collins
William Gallacher
Miriam Jordan Keane
John Pallant
Paul Anthony Houlding
Timothy David Duffy
Rita Ann Clifton
Christopher John Bunton
Michael Lionel Leibling
James Frederick Davies
Ann Elizabeth McCormack
David Wyn Binding
Paul Arden
Charles Saatchi
Andrew Stanbridge
Reynard Arthur Platt
Derek Anthony Ailes
Michael Parker
Ronald Baird
Maxine Susan Baker
Joanne Birrell
Sheila Elizabeth Bowden
Paul Burns
Gareth James Coombs
Cecily Croke
Antony Miles Easton
Annette Edwards
Fergus Fleming
Colin Flint
David Forrester
David Philip Gould
Peter Hancock
Frank Ronald Harrison
Michael Kaye
Adam Kean
Roger Peter Kennedy
Mark Beverley King
Georgina Bridget Matthews
Nicholas James Barnes
Christopher McCann
Paul Miller
Tamara Millington
Tim Mousell
Richard Myers
Patrick William Myers
Frances O'Neil
Stephen Leonard Parkes
Arnold Henry Pearce
Roger John Perry
Peter Michael Rigby
Anthony Paul Robinson
Robert James Roscow
Clare Elizabeth Rossi
Christopher Tony Skinner
Andrew Stone
Alexandra Taylor
Anthony Albert Thair
Jeffery Alexander Spencer Tolman
Peter Mark Watkins
Nicholas Schon
Ian Henderson McAteer
Maurice Saatchi
Mark David Sinclair
John Leslie Spratling
Kathryn Morris
Robert Alan Gabriel
Patrick James Hanson-Lowe
David Andrew Kershaw
Moray Alexander Stewart MacLennan
James Lowther
Simon Charles Hedley Dicketts
Michael John Dobbs
Christopher John Clark
James Charles Baker
David Nigel Downing
Richard Geoffrey Burdett
Sylvia Doris Meli
William Rae Burdon
Marilyn Baxter
David Blakesley Partridge
Peter John Setterington
John Philip Wilson
Roger Graham Manton
Harry Shaw
David Ward Walton
David Miln
Simon John Russell Cole
Martin Michael Cotter
Martin Michael Cotter
Keith Joseph Stuart Ginsburg
Michael John Beeston
Alan John Bishop
Charles Matthew Fallon
Graham Smith
William Mortimer Muirhead
Martyn Charles Walsh
Paul Jeffrey Bainsfair
Graeme John Arkell
Archibald Roy Askew
Peter Michael Buchanan
Leonard Richard Barkey
Neil Lawton Chalmers
Mary Crawley
Roy William Dickenson
Phillip Mark Darby
Alexis Everard Fynn
Peter James Gibb
James Kenneth Gill
Shelia Margaret Gray
Charles C Hendley
Alexander John Kenny
Nicholas Michael Scott Kerr
John McGrath
David Alexander McNab Miln
Simon De Mille
Victor Edmund Margiotta
Tim Nicholls
John A Treasure
David R Wheldon
Rosemary Caroline West
Robert Alan Holt
Brian Christopher Haworth
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Mortgages and Charges

Total Outstanding


Total Satisfied


Type Created Registered Persons Entitled Status
Rent Deposit Deed Saatchi And Saatchi Group Limited OUTSTANDING
Debenture The Bank Of New York (In Its Capacity As Security Trustee) SATISFIED
Further Supplemental Deed The Independent Television Association Limited (For Itself And Also For And On Behalf Of Itsele OUTSTANDING
Debenture The Chase Manhattan Bank N.a.(As Security Agent) SATISFIED
Supplemental Charge The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.a. SATISFIED
Supplemental Charge The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.a. SATISFIED
Supplemental Charge The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.a. SATISFIED
Debenture The Chase Manhattan Bank Trustee For The Beneficiaries SATISFIED
Debenture The Chase Manhattan Bank N.a. SATISFIED
Debenture The Chase Manhattan Bank N.a. SATISFIED
Supplemental Deed For Varying A Charge D/d 18/7/90 The Independent Television Association OUTSTANDING
Deed Of Assignment And Supplemental Deed The Independent Television Associationo Time)(On Behalf Of Itself And Its Members From Time T OUTSTANDING
Assignment Of Cash The Chase Manhattan Bank N.a. SATISFIED
Debenture Marine Midland Bank N.a. SATISFIED
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Cash £1,316,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Net Worth -£18,359,000.00 -£16,736,000.00 -£17,344,000.00 -£11,088,000.00 -£2,561,000.00
Total Current Liabilities £65,030,000.00 £71,988,000.00 £68,076,000.00 £68,565,000.00 £65,565,000.00
Total Current Assets £40,482,000.00 £50,088,000.00 £45,841,000.00 £53,965,000.00 £59,717,000.00
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