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Active - Accounts Filed

21 October 1874

74909 Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c. - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.

Available to 24 Jul 2024. Next accounts due by 30 Sep 2025

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Current Directors & Secretaries

For a full in-depth analysis on each of these directors, click any of the links below

Name Role Date Of Birth Appointed
Dr Thomas Stephen Dolphin Director
Dr Arjan Veer-Singh Nagra Director
Mr Peter David Vicary-Smith Director
Dr Emma Louise Runswick Director
Professor Philip James Banfield Director
Ms Rachel Podolak Director
Dr Vishal Sharma Director
Dr Latifa Bibi Patel Director
Ms Neeta Major Director
Mrs Neeta Major Director
Ms Catherine Anne Mayor Director
Mrs Elisa Nardi Director
Mr Trevor Paul Pickersgill Director
Dr Richard Withnall Director

Previous Directors & Secretaries

Alexandra Simone Jacqueline Freeman
Krishan Aggarwal
Kailash Chand Obe Frcgp
Roger Graham Horton
David George Wrigley
Tom Grinyer
Helena Maria McKeown
Helen Margaret Fidler
Belinda Clare Phipps
Kevin O'Kane
John William Chisholm
Chaand Nagpaul
Joseph Wharton Lippincott Iii
Jaswinder Singh Bamrah
Clive Peedell
Anthea Mary Mowat
Patrick Andrew Murphy
Keith David Ward
Joan Harris Howard
Kailash Chand
Lewis Gordon Morrison
Joseph Lippincoff
Keerthi Michelle Mohan
Amit Kochhar
Harrison David Edward Carter
Andrew John Wilson
Sabaratnam Arulkumaran
Catherine Mary MacAdam
Penelope Rebecca Toff
William Henry Seligman
Jonathan Mark Fraser Temple
Paul Michael Flynn
Benjamin William Molyneux
Alice Joanna Faye Messeruy Rutter
Sara Hedderwick
Mark James Stewart Weir
Sheila Clare Hollins
Peter Brian Terry
Peter John Pashley Holden
Marie-Louise Louise Irvine
Robert Luigi Morley
Andrew Stephen Collier
Elizabeth Lee
George Rae
Keith Brent
Elly Jemima Pilavachi
Marion Matheson
Stefan Frederick Edmund Coghlan
Beth Kirstie McCarron-Nash
Andrew Kinmond
Keith Reid
Karin R Purshouse
William Dean Marshall
Reena Mani
Adam Roy Edward Moreton
Richard Mark Vautrey
Trevor Paul Pickersgill
Derek Grenville MacHin
Peter Bernard Maguire
Carol Ann Basham
Michael Gideon Marmot
Paul Gerrard Darragh
Thomas John Foley
Nicholas Deakin
Shreelata Datta
Brian Douglas Keighley
Jonathan Karll Cox
Averil Olive Mansfield
Anthony Lawson Calland
Charles Frederick George
Richard James Jarvis
Radhakrishna Shanbhag
Peter Hugh Dangerfield
Andrew Richard Thornley
Timothy Oliver Crocker-Buque
John Stewart May
David Charles Snashall
Beryl Antoinette De Souza
Richard Withnall
Anna Christine Athow
Helena Maria McKeown
Francis Owen Wells
Kenneth Calman
Andrew Graeme Rowland
Juliet Veronica Dunmur
Awani Kumar Choudhary
Ram Moorthy
Eleanor May Draeger
Steven Hajioff
Ian Robert Wilson
Emily Rigby
Barbara Wood
Parveen June Kumar
Jacqueline Davis
Ian Saville Grant Noble
Bhupinder Kaur Sandhu
Christopher John Spencer Jones
Kirsty Louise Lloyd
Constance Ethel Fozzard
Beth Kirstie McCarron Nash
Deidre Joan Hine
Anthony Rhys Bourne
Michael Erwin Jan Wise
Jennie Blackwell
Michael Albert John Chamberlain
Sati Ariyanayagam
Peter Fraser Bennie
Kathleen Elizabeth Bullen
Emma Jane Bywaters
Simon Harland Spencer Calvert
Sally Chambers
Samena Chaudhry
Jennifer Jane Ciechan
Edward Francis Coyle
Tamara Everington
Crawford George Macdougall Fernie
Jonathan Mark Fielden
Paul Robert Grime
Joanna Hilborne
Anita Holdcroft
James Anthony McCaul
Philip William Melvyn Steadman
Jane Clare Timperley
David Geoffrey Murray Lewis
Jonathan Mark Porter
Laurence Buckman
Fay Wilson
Charles Frederick George
John Robert Rawlinson
Michael Douglas Allen Vickers
John Antony Powell
Shirley Jane Richards
Brian George Patterson Obe
Leigh Robert Bissett
Andrew McIrvine
Ahmed Elsharkawy
Graeme John Eunson
Brian Jarman
Michael Ralph Rees
Paul David Miller
Mohinder Singh Dhatt
Peter Tiplady
Pauline Ruth Brimblecombe
Gregory Dennis Dilliway
Mohib Khan
Simon John Arthur Eccles
Terry Martin John
Michael John Goodman
Stephen Austin
Keith Brent
Alexandra Simone Jacqueline Freeman
Alexandra Helen Oneill Lewis
Simon Minkoff
Jammi Nagaraj Rao
Richard Duddingston Rawlins
Jonathan Guy Reggler
David Vivian Rutter
John Alistair Riddell
Jennifer Jane Ciechan
Simon Lee Barker
David Craig Carter
Jeremy Alan Watkin Strachan
Kate Elizabeth Duffield
Andrew Richard Dearden
Peter Froggatt
Stephen McCabe
Ewen Sim
Katherine Adams
Jacqueline Anne Cassell
Mary Church
Jane Mary Fenton May
Rachel Louise Hooke
Stewart Kay
John David Keeling
Grant Stuart Black Kelly
Fiona Margaret Kew
Kristian Paul Mears
Hamish Robin Peter Meldrum
Giri Rajaratnam
Susan Andree Robson
Eric David Rose
Elizabeth Helen Taylor
Jane Clare Timperley
Kate Kathryn Patricia Ward
Nizam Mamode
Wendy Diane Savage
John Wellington Eddy
Christopher Hammon Paine
Nicholas David Jenkins
Kenneth James Robertson
William Roger Currie
Elizabeth Angharad Corps
Robert Barnett
Clive Edward Bowman
John Maurice Dunlop
Sarah Louise Taylor
Anita Goraya
Sarah Jane Louise Smith
Kailash Nath Agrawal
Vijay Bathla
Martin James Wallace Breach
Sean William Clarke
Adele McKenna
Robert MacLaren
Thamotheram Nimalraj
George Kaithayil Ninan
James Anthony Robertson
Paul Lawrence Patrick John Thorpe
Roopendra Kumar Prasad
Edward Dillwyn Williams
Romesh Chand Gupta
Sriramashetty Venugopal
Adolf William Asscher
Daniel George Atkinson
Andrew James Carney
David Michael Wilks
Fiona Caldicott
Patrick Glackin
Robert Kilpatrick
Derek McLaughlan
Michael Ian David Cawley
Jenny Rosemary Vaughan
Andrew John Ashworth
Daniel Jonathan Bell
Fortune Mabensela Ncube
Jonathan Mark Fielden
Thomas McFarlane
Ian Banks
James Barrett
David William Cairns
Margaret Elizabeth Elmes
Paul Michael Flynn
Peter Charles Hawker
Robin Lochrie Pearson
Ian Maurice Peek
Martin John Toal
Ernest Donald Acheson
Terence John Morris
Helen Fallon
Arthur Macgregor Morris
Digby Patrick Chisholm Thomas
Terence English
Andrew Hobart
Rupert Nigel Gauntlett
Russell John Walshaw
Ronald Bryan John
Raymond Michael Shearer
Judith Ann Langfield
Arthur Richard Robyn Cain
David Cameron Morrell
Charlotte Myong Cowie
Simon Oakley Fradd
John Geofrey Ball
Howard Michael Freeman
Evan Harris
Geoffrey William Hinchley
Brian Ridley Hopkinson
Hugh Dundonald Turner
Eleanor Meriel O Sullivan
Thomas Herbert McKinstry
Leonard Paul Harvey
John Angus Mcvicar Garner
Noel David Lyche Olsen
Ernest Macalpine Armstrong
Mark Stephen Bailey
John Callander
Alaisdair Garnett Stewart
Judith Ann Jones
James Birley
Philip William Mervyn Steadman
Nicholas Steele
Gareth John Hughes Emrys-Jones
Anthony Herbert Grabham
Ewan Beaton MacDonald
Anne Elizabeth Pauline Rodway
Frederick David Roberts
John Christopher Tiarks
Stephen Hunter
William James Appleyard
John Stuart Horner
Ewen Crighton Bramwell
Edward Brian Lewis
John Henry Marks
David Eric Pickersgill
Jeremy Patrick Lee-Potter
Ian Gibb Bogle
Anthony Herbert Everington
Robert Anthony Keable-Elliott
Ian Trevor Field
Alexander Wiseman MacAra
James Montgomery Dunlop
Jonathan Andrews
Sally Louise Barnard
Peter Fraser Bennie
Ruth Emma Benzimra
Edwin Miles Borman
Lindsey Margaret Davies
Stephen Colin Drew
Joy Beryl Edelman
Arnold Elliott
John Johnston Ferguson
James Angus Ford
Judith Ann Gilley
Ruth Elisabeth Gilbert
Myer Goldman
Richard Kay Greenwood
Colin Alexander Hamilton
Russell Hopkins
Susan Louise Ibbotson
Simon Albert Philip Jenkins
John Bernard Lloyd Howell
James North Johnson
John Louis Joseph Kearns
John Knox
Loretta Light
Donald Campbell McNutt
Caroline Margaret Marriott
David Parry
George Rae
Edward Leslie Rose
Colin Smith
David Roy Tooth
Eileen Anne Wain
Colin Norman Warlow
Stephen John Watkins
John David Watts
Frances Mary White
Michael Anthony Wilson
Lionel Kopelowitz
John James Andrew Reid
John Rupert Allen Chawner
Ernest Macalpine Armstrong
David Leonard Williams
Deb Kumar Bose
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Mortgages and Charges

No mortgages or charges have been registered against this company.
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Cash £24,044,000.00 £28,107,000.00 £44,551,000.00 £51,784,000.00 £50,501,000.00
Net Worth £126,974,000.00 £126,921,000.00 £217,196,000.00 £199,240,000.00 £210,505,000.00
Total Current Liabilities £56,647,000.00 £55,327,000.00 £60,889,000.00 £65,432,000.00 £56,524,000.00
Total Current Assets £51,611,000.00 £53,833,000.00 £68,498,000.00 £78,973,000.00 £75,153,000.00
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